Project Initiative Ethiopia
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We listen to our parents, teachers & students at our partner schools
We advocate that a sustainable community-based project should involve active consultation with the target group. Here are testimonials from parents, teachers, and students regarding the projects at our partner schools.
Ato Mohammed (Parent Committee)

As pastoralists, we struggle financially to afford school supplies for our six children. Donors like PIE are our lifeline, helping us cover the costs of education. With an average of five children per family and each needing a dozen notebooks per semester (at 1200 birr), sending all our kids to school is a financial challenge. To buy stationery, we sell goats at around 3000 birr each, but it's not sustainable. Thanks to
PIE and donors, we can keep three of our children in school, and we're grateful for the support.
Interview with Hawa 8 grade student

When initially asked to join the computer class, I hesitated since I had never used a keyboard or a mouse before. Initially saying no, I changed my mind after seeing my friend Hermela join. Now, I've gained the skills to operate a computer, connect cables, and use a mouse, monitor, and keyboard. For my graduation, I edited my biography in Word and embedded a photo taken with the tablet donated by PIE.
I am grateful for this opportunity and want to express my heartfelt thanks. Now, I dream of working with computers in the future as a profession.
Teacher Hadia (Gender Club leader)

I'm Hadia, and I lead the Gender Club. Our focus is on promoting gender equality and raising awareness about the challenges girls face in staying in school. Over the past year, with the support of PIE, we've accomplished significant milestones. We've successfully fostered a deeper understanding of the issues girls encounter within the school community.
Zahara Mohammed (Parent Committee)

We express our gratitude to Project Initiative Ethiopia for their support in providing school supplies and facilitating the after-school tutoring program for our students. The full-day school sessions have enabled our children to learn more and receive personalized assistance from teachers, significantly improving their understanding of tutorial subjects. Thank you very much for your valuable contributions. We are committed to doing our best to support your project in return.
Ahmed Hassen 7 grade student

Firstly, we extend our gratitude for introducing us to computers here at Arado School. Prior to this, we had never touched a computer and were unfamiliar with its workings. Thanks to our teacher, Tamrat, we've gained the ability to connect, start, and use a computer for various tasks such as writing documents, saving, printing, and even watching educational videos. Through our computer club, we had the opportunity to visit Semera University, which we had only heard about but never seen from the inside. The visit, particularly to the data center, was an
overwhelming experience. We sincerely thank PIE for all the support provided.
Proud Parent

We are farmers living in a single-room dwelling. After school, our children face challenges finding time for traditional learning as they are required to assist with tending to the cattle and fetching water. However, the introduction of a computer course has significantly improved their learning experience.